Thursday, July 25, 2013

Doom Miniatures Part 7: Marines

They should have made this guy instead!
The marines are painted simultaneously over time with the other units are being painted due to their numbers (1 each for red, blue and green)
Red, as usual, being my primary test subject
Trousers of each unit is painted accordingly to each faction and washed with Nuln Oil to highlight the creases.

Backpack is painted using Mournfang Brown and washed with Nuln Oil to give it shadows.

Metal part of the shotgun is using Leadbelcher and washed with Nuln Oil. The handle is painted with Mournfang Brown.
Going slow. Green and Blue prior to washing
The face and arms was painted with Ratskin Flesh and a little drybrushing with Rakarth Flesh. A layer of wash of Agrax Earthshade is applied. Hair is painted with Abbadon Black.

Body armor and leg gear is layered with Celestra Grey and washed with Agarax Earthshade. Light drybrush with Ulthuan Grey.

Shoes are painted with Mournfang Brown and washed with Nuln Oil.
Marines to the front
Marines to the rear
You will probably notice the face has two color tone on the face as I had an accident attempting to add the white pupils for the eyes. Unfortunately, my arms were not steady enough for the job, which resulted in a layer of Ratskin Flesh and Agrax Eartshade wash to patch things up.

Here is also a case of over applying the wash as the pool over the face and the arms does ruin things to a certain degree.

 Paint used:
- Mephinston Red
- Caliban Green
- Macragge Blue
- Mournfang Brown
- Leadbelcher
- Ratskin Flesh
- Rakarth Flesh
- Agrax Earthshade
- Abbadon Black

Next Step:
- Glazing the vest
- Trites, Pinky Demon, Mancubus, Cyberdemon

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