Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Doom Miniatures Part 6: Zombies

Fat boys in da house!!!!!!

Ahh... Zombies... Everyone's favourite undead. Making this as authentic as possible is going to be a challenge.

For my zombies, I started by applying a very watered down layer of Steel Legion Drab on the face, arms and legs. A very watered down layer of  Celestra Grey is applied on the on entire miniature, including the areas painted above. The brown-grey did not turn out so well.

For the first time, I attempted to mix 5 part Celestra Grey and 1 part Mournfang Brown. The result pigment was then added with plenty of water and applied on the face, arms and legs.

A slightly yellowish-brown skin tone was the result. Carroburgh Crimson is then used to highlight the indentations on the body (open wounds and stomach lines). The shirt is entirely washed with a good layer of Nuln Oil. The head, hands and feet washed is then washed with a light layer of Agrax Earthshade to add a little tone.

I just added a small dot of Ceramite White to create the effect of the eyes as inspired by the image on the top of this page.
I obviously still need more practice when handling very minute details.
Paint Used:
- Steel Legion Drab
- Celestra Grey
- Mixture of 5 part Celestra Grey  and 1 part Mournfang Brown
- Carroburg Crimson
- Nuln Oil
- Agrax Earthshade
- Ceramite White

Next Step:
-  Possibly glazing the shirts and pants each with either Waywatcher Green, Gulliman Blue or Bloodletter
- Marines, Trites, Pinky Demon, Mancubus, Cyberdemon

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