Thursday, July 18, 2013

Doom Miniatures Part 4: Hell Knights

Added 3 new paints to the list: Jokaero Orange, Ratskin Flesh and Celestra Grey.

There were plenty if sample images for hell knights in the Internet. Unfortunately, I did not quite like the pale green design which was suppose to be based from the game and decided to head towards brown to make it more organic.

3 combination base colors were tested for the hell knight.

Test 1
2 layers Jokaero Orange base was applied followed by a layer of Ratskin Flesh. Very little difference in layering result. A layer of Mournfang Brown is then painted over to give a brown with a hint of orange texture underneath. The unit is then washed generously with Agrax Earthshade. Not much difference. Washed again with Carroburg Crimson. Darker complexion which looks just nice.

Test 2
2 layer of Jokaero Orange followed by a layer of Mournfang Brown. Not much difference compared to previous result. Wash with Carroburg Crimson.
Test result 1 and 2 before applying Mournfang Brown. Almost no difference.
Before and after applying Mournfang Brown. The spots of orange on the left unit was a nice surprise
Test 3
2 layer of Mournfang Brown applied instead. Followed by a wash of Carroburg Crimson. Forgot to take comparison photo

Unit 1 and 2 had the texture which brighten up the brown layer well if compared to unit 3.
The other 3 units are painted via test 2 method. Each unit is then drybrushed with Rakarth Flesh. The eyes are dotted using toothpicks with Mephiston Red. Leg claws are painted with Celestra Grey.
Hell's army
End result with flash
Without flash
A note about washing.
1. Wait till your paint is really dry. Wash and base paint will mix and ruin the wash.
2. Going crazy with wash does not mean slapping a big blob of it. It still runs and drips. If the recess does not darken as desired, apply another layer.

Need to toy around with camera exposure and distance to get better effect and clarity.

Paint used:
- Jokaero Orange
- Mournfang Brown
- Carroburg Crimson
- Rakarth Flesh
- Mephiston Red
- Celestra Grey

Next Step:
- Repainting the base
- To glaze or not to glaze, that is the question
- Get Yellow/Orange for arch-vile flame
- Arch-Vile, Zombies, Marines, Trites, Pinky Demon, Mancubus, Cyberdemon

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