Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Dark Vengeance Deathwing Squad 2 Part 2

Christmas was a time of celebration and a time of rest.

I took my usual year end annual leave (Christmas to New Year) as usual this year to rest and relax. And when I said rest and relax, I meant working on my minis. While there is some stress when you are working on something, it is surprising quite therapeutic working on the minis. Perhaps, this is why it is a hobby (and if my dad is reading this, no, I do not intend to make any money out of it unless. Not at this time at least)

Also had a few experimentation on some parts especially the feathers and the sergeant's power sword in this project.

I actually had some trouble working on the minis as I forgot to take detailed steps on how the minis were painted the last time. This shows the importance of taking notes, so here goes:

Main Armour

- Basecoat with Ushbati Bone (2 light layers)
- Wash with Seraphim Sepia
- Drybrush with Ushbati Bone

- Bascoat with thin layers of Caliban Green
- Wash with Beil-Tan Green
- Drybrush Warpstone Glow
- Drybrush Moot Green
- Glaze Waywatcher Green

- Basecoat White Scar
-Wash Carroburg Crimson

Glow on the power sword this time (since green was chosen) was done by basecoating with Leadbelcher followed by several layers of drybrush from black to various green-black colour mix (using Abbadon Black, Caliban Green, Kabalite Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green, White Scar) until the last layer being Moot Green + White Scar wash. Still a long way to go for me to create power weapons proper.

Feathers this time were done by mostly drybrushing instead of layering.

I also got myself a new box of Deathwing Command Squad box to work on some additional units for my future 750 point army. These will also double up as spare units should I chose to swap them in my army. In the long run, I would love to be able to assemble the whole Deathwing Company (100 Deathwing Termies XD). We will see how the year goes.

Some parts of this unit was made via swapping with leftovers I had from the earlier Death Angels Termies.

And a peek on what is to be seen (very) soon.
It's red.

So with this, I wish all of you who are reading a Merry (belated) Christmas and a Happy New 2014!
Play More Games and Paint More Minis!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Dark Vengeance Deathwing Squad 2 Part 1

Finally got the pieces I ebay-ed yesterday. I am not exactly a fan of kit-bashing nor have had any experience with it before. Hence the challenge of making the next unit less identical to the Dark Vengeance Deathwing Squad I had earlier.

Assault Gunner
Chain-fist Guy
Generic 1
Generic 2

As you can see, the most I did was readjusting the right arms of the units as they were a separate piece from the rest of the model unlike the left arm, which was moulded to either the front or the rear part of the body. I also had a plan to readjust the Chain-fist Guy's chainfist arm to the rear, where I will be needing to borrow someone's saw. Perhaps another time.

Also to note was a part swap between Chain-fist Guy's bolter with Generic 1's, which would explain the slight awkward angling of the arm. Generic 2 was added a shoulder insignia from one of my left over bits from the Terminator Assault squad.

These units were then patched up using Citadel's Liquid Green Stuff. I have the green stuff putty at hand, which I decided not to use them at the moment (still fresh and unopened from the packaging).

Hopefully, I will get to prime them and start painting over the next week for my 750 point army.

The Original Dark Vengeance Deathwings, unmodified

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Upcoming Project Checklist

List of projects I am looking forward to as the year ends.

- Second set of Dark Vengeance Deathwings (Done)
- Second squad of Deathwings for my Deathwing army (squad of 5 with 2 chain fist and cyclone missile) (Done)
- Fairytale Battle Royale Miniaturs from Kickstarter (tentative mid 2014)
- Robotech Tactics (tentative 2nd quarter 2014)
- The Farsight Enclave Eight
- Deathwing Land Raider
- 6th Edition Tyranid Codex
- Death Angels card game expansion units

Wish me luck!

Warhammer 40K: Anrakyr and Orikan Touch Up

While waiting for the end of the month and a supply of some specific paint, I took some time out during the weekend to work some improvement on Anrakyr's warscythe after getting some opinion from other painters. Some of the other illuminated parts were also given a slight touch up.

Orikan also was given some minor improvements on his Staff of Tomorrow and his headgear.

Some side models once I completed the two above.
Teleporter Homing Beacons!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Venerable Deradnought, Asmodai, Anrakyr and Orikan Completed

Took time during the holidays yesterday to finish of the models.

Venerable Dreadnought

Just some minor touch up on some parts that could use some paint. When you cannot think of anything else to paint, you are basically done with it. That is the case with the dreadnought.

The pain with Asmodai is his Blade of Reason which was very hard to pin since the groove was not deep enough. It took me several tries and prayers for me to to screw it up. I will be adding some minor touch up later on the black parts since I was working on all my models since morning.
Asmodai Masterclass

Anrakyr the Traveller
On the surface, Anrakyr was looks easy to paint. Somehow, the illumination effect comes out wrong. I will probably revisit this unit to see if I can improve it, especially his warscythe.
Masterclass Edition. A long way more to go

Orikan the Diviner

Compared to Anrakyr, Orikan came out well. Instead of drybrushing, which I did on Anrakyr, I used more layering technique to create the illumination on the green and blue parts. A surprising result I should say. Still alot more room to improve anyway.

Masterclass edition
While drybrushing is a cool technique, it seems that I need to start picking up on blending technique as the masterclass models seem to use that on their metal and illuminated parts. Back to class then.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Venerable Sneek Peek

Just a shot of what went on over the last week as I did not spend much time over it.

Anrakyr the Traveller
Facial close up to make sure no details are lost

Orikan the Diviner
Currently headless

Venerable Dreadnought

I decided to use the panels as seen above as I am not exactly like the text that was on the unit.

Dreadnought encased. Thanks to Darren of Wira Games and Hobbies who pointed me to the direction for getting the cases cheap.