Thursday, December 12, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Venerable Deradnought, Asmodai, Anrakyr and Orikan Completed

Took time during the holidays yesterday to finish of the models.

Venerable Dreadnought

Just some minor touch up on some parts that could use some paint. When you cannot think of anything else to paint, you are basically done with it. That is the case with the dreadnought.

The pain with Asmodai is his Blade of Reason which was very hard to pin since the groove was not deep enough. It took me several tries and prayers for me to to screw it up. I will be adding some minor touch up later on the black parts since I was working on all my models since morning.
Asmodai Masterclass

Anrakyr the Traveller
On the surface, Anrakyr was looks easy to paint. Somehow, the illumination effect comes out wrong. I will probably revisit this unit to see if I can improve it, especially his warscythe.
Masterclass Edition. A long way more to go

Orikan the Diviner

Compared to Anrakyr, Orikan came out well. Instead of drybrushing, which I did on Anrakyr, I used more layering technique to create the illumination on the green and blue parts. A surprising result I should say. Still alot more room to improve anyway.

Masterclass edition
While drybrushing is a cool technique, it seems that I need to start picking up on blending technique as the masterclass models seem to use that on their metal and illuminated parts. Back to class then.

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