Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Dark Vengeance Deathwing Squad 2 Part 2

Christmas was a time of celebration and a time of rest.

I took my usual year end annual leave (Christmas to New Year) as usual this year to rest and relax. And when I said rest and relax, I meant working on my minis. While there is some stress when you are working on something, it is surprising quite therapeutic working on the minis. Perhaps, this is why it is a hobby (and if my dad is reading this, no, I do not intend to make any money out of it unless. Not at this time at least)

Also had a few experimentation on some parts especially the feathers and the sergeant's power sword in this project.

I actually had some trouble working on the minis as I forgot to take detailed steps on how the minis were painted the last time. This shows the importance of taking notes, so here goes:

Main Armour

- Basecoat with Ushbati Bone (2 light layers)
- Wash with Seraphim Sepia
- Drybrush with Ushbati Bone

- Bascoat with thin layers of Caliban Green
- Wash with Beil-Tan Green
- Drybrush Warpstone Glow
- Drybrush Moot Green
- Glaze Waywatcher Green

- Basecoat White Scar
-Wash Carroburg Crimson

Glow on the power sword this time (since green was chosen) was done by basecoating with Leadbelcher followed by several layers of drybrush from black to various green-black colour mix (using Abbadon Black, Caliban Green, Kabalite Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green, White Scar) until the last layer being Moot Green + White Scar wash. Still a long way to go for me to create power weapons proper.

Feathers this time were done by mostly drybrushing instead of layering.

I also got myself a new box of Deathwing Command Squad box to work on some additional units for my future 750 point army. These will also double up as spare units should I chose to swap them in my army. In the long run, I would love to be able to assemble the whole Deathwing Company (100 Deathwing Termies XD). We will see how the year goes.

Some parts of this unit was made via swapping with leftovers I had from the earlier Death Angels Termies.

And a peek on what is to be seen (very) soon.
It's red.

So with this, I wish all of you who are reading a Merry (belated) Christmas and a Happy New 2014!
Play More Games and Paint More Minis!


Schedler Vincent said...

Great look , well done .
Cheers and Happy New Year .

DWolve said...

Thank you Captain and Happy New Year to you too!