Monday, September 11, 2017

Event: Two Thin Coats Malaysia First Miniature Painting Event

As the header of the tittle indicates, I have joined the first painting event hosted by Miniature Games Malaysia Painters Guild (formerly known as Two Thin Coats Malaysia). This is primarily a Facebook group with members all over the country.

I decided to participate in this event for the heck of it and monitor for me to get Triumvirates done.
I submitted several models that I would like to see finished by the end of the event, namely:
a. Roboute Guilliman from Triumvirate of the Primach set
b. Belisarius Cawl from Triumvirate of the Imperium set
c. Captain Aethon and Kurtha Sedd of Betrayal at Calth
d. Primaris Marine from Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000
e. Slaughter Priest from White Dwarf September 2016
f.  ROBOTECH Tactics Artillery Regult and Glaug 
g. Descent 2 Elementals

This may probably look like a tall order to finish in one month, but I intend to finish up as many as I can above, since I intend to finish the models, as the saying goes "Completed, not perfect"

I also would have probably thrown in my WIP Tyrinids if the rules would have allowed it XD

Anyway, I will be consolidating all work in progress for the models in this event in this single post.

a. Roboute Guilliman
Registration 8th September 2017
WIP 10th September 2017
Helmet Head WIP 10th September 2017
Face WIP 10th September 2017
Roboute Guilliman is an easy paint by number model when referring to Duncan's guide for the Armour of Fate. My only issue with his guide is that I probably have to use the next smaller size brushes to what he suggested. Painting the blue onto the armour was not much of a problem. But the tidiness of it using small layer brush was just not possible. I had to use the expansive artificer (XS) brush instead. Thankfully, the Vallejo's Ultramarine Blue was smooth to apply.
WIP 12th September 2017
Heads WIP 12th September 2017 
Focus on the base and heads of the model. Not sure how to improve the armour at the moment. Maybe add Auric Armour Gold as highlights?

Guilliman. Complete 25th September 2017
Guilliman with Helm. Complete 25th September 2017

Guilliman Heads close up. Complete 25th September 2017 
Finally completed! The base took a while to decide the current paint scheme. Did not intent to paint Guilliman's eyes initially. Glad I tried.
b. Belisarius Cawl 
Submission 8th September 2017
WIP 10th September 2017
WIP 10th September 2017
Belisarius Cawl is a great example of planning for painting instead of rushing to assemble. He was a pain to prime and basecoat since I did everything by hand.
WIP 12th September 2017
Added Retributor Armour and washed with Agrax Earthshade.

WIP 17th September 2017
Gold highlight with Liberator Gold. Drybrush silver with Necron Compound. Red based with Mephiston Red and washed with Nuln Oil.
Belisarius Cawl. Completed 1st October 2017
Finally, the last of my Triumvirates are completed! Time to get the last Triumvirate XD

c. Captain Aethon and Kurtha Sedd of Betrayal at Calth
Submission 8th September 2017
WIP 17th September 2017
WIP 17th September 2017
I decided to start some work on some other models, beginning with this two while I get further inspiration and ideas for Guilliman. Paint scheme is based on the product artwork from GW. Also, finally got the decals for these models too after a long wait. Too bad they have not arrived earlier.

Aethon. Complete 25th September 2017
Kurtha Sedd. Complete 25 September 2017
Finally complete!
Captain Aethon - Glad the decals arrived. Got them applied on the buckle and shoulder pads. May add the cloak design as seen on GW's website later if I feel like it.

Kurtha Sedd - Inscription on armour and leg pieces are hand painted. Decals are also added to the armour inscription. Symbols painted on legs, arms and cloak.

d. Primaris Marine from Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000
Submission 8th September 2017
My first Primaris Marine. This will be a test paint in my usual Dark Angels scheme. I am still focusing on the standard marines though until my chapter is complete.
WIP 17th September 2017
Basecoat with Caliban Green and washed with Nuln Oil. Will probably not identifying with a specific squad. Perhaps the 3rd Company.
Primaris Marine Completed. 28th September 2017
Left profile. Completed. 28th September 2017

Right profile. Completed. 28th September 2017

Rear profile. Completed. 28th September 2017
Finally decided to just speed up the work on this model as it should be an easy job with my designated method for Dark Angels (Base Caliban, dry Waywatcher, dry Moot). Decided to assign him to 5th Company, 12th Squad despite most of the books suggest 2nd squad. I will probably have all my Primaris Marines in squad 11 onwards for my companies.

e. Slaughter Priest from White Dwarf September 2016
No schemes yet decided for this model. Anything goes.
WIP 17th September 2017
Basic basecoating and wash based on the product on GW's website (surprised to see it there now. Was not there a few weeks ago when I assembled it).
Reds - Khorn Red basecoat, Nuln Oil wash
Flesh - Bugman's Glow basecoat, Carroburg Crimson wash
Silver - Leadbelcher basecoat, Nuln Oil Wash
Slaughterpriest. Complete 25 September 2017
Finally complete! Almost forgot to add the blood effects!

f.  ROBOTECH Tactics Artillery Regult and Glaug 
Submission 8th September 2017
The artillery Regults will be painted using the new scheme I did on my latest test model a month back. For the Glaug, I have not decided yet.
WIP 17th September 2017
Basic basecoating with whatever Vallejo Grey which I transferred out into a used pot a long time ago.
WIP 25th September 2017
Basic paint colour applied. Much easier with a reference on the scheme to use.
Heavy Artillery Regult. Completed 30th September 2017
Light Artillery Regult. Completed 30th September 2017
Ahh. I thought I would never finish these two. Glaug unit remaining.
Glaug. Completed 4th October 2017
Decided to go Gundam colours on this one. I am seriously out of idea. Legs could be better improved though.

g. Descent 2 Elementals
Submission 8th September 2017
These two are quite long overdue since my last Descent model was done. The only other remaining minis left in Descent are the dragons. I intend to follow Sorastro's guide on Youtube. You can get the link to the video here.

No idea if these guys may even in time for the end of the event XD
WIP. 30th September 2017
Finally decided to start working on this. Probably work only with the master unit (red base). A pain to basecoat by hand. Basecoated with Abaddon Black.
Descent 2 Elemental. Completed. 7th October 2017
Down with flu and fever since Friday. This guy almost did not make it. A pain to pain with some of Sorastro's steps taken off to simplify it. At least it still comes out decent enough for now. Wet blending takes up a lot of time and patience, which both I do not really have at the moment. At least it is completed.


FourEyedMonster said...

Whoa ... that is certainly an ambitious list. All the best to you and I hope you win something :)

DWolve said...

Thanks. It would be nice to win, but that's secondary for me in this event. At least Roboute and Belisarius gets completed would be great. The more minis done, the better!