Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Venerable Dreadnought Part 2 and Orikan the Diviner

I started working on the venerable dreadnought as I am currently looking out for a specific black paint to use with Asmodai, Anrakyr and Orikan.

Venerable Dreadnought
The dreadnought is based with Ushbati Bone since this unit will be assigned to my Deathwing Company. I attempted to recreate the same scheme as my first two Deathwing Terminators from my Dark Vengeance box set.

1. Basecoat with Ushbati Bone
2. Wash with Seraphim Sepia
3. Drybrush bright are with Ushbati Bone

As you can see, I have yet to finalise the parts I want. The arms will be removable, as intended. However, the decorative pieces are still undecided.

Orikan the Diviner
Over the weekend, I was back over my hometown for a wedding. I made a trip over to Red Comet to check out the site and their wares. I got myself Orikan the Diviner since they are out of Deathwing Command Squad. The fact that most of the units I am looking for (Azreal, Belial, Ezekiel, Imotekh the Stormlord or Trazyn the Infinite) requires to be ordered directly from GW. It is a pity that despite being key units, the quantity available for anybody to walk in and purchase is extremely limited. The HQ units I had so far (Asmodai, Anrakyr and Orikan) were chance purchases that I saw available at the shops I went right away. I wonder if Official GW stores have this limitation also?

Anyway, I got myself Orikan due to the fact that he is an HQ unique to the Necron army, plus his cool ability of powering up caught my eye. Since he was available, I grabbed him right away.
Face close up
The white stuff is basically white blue-tac which I got from the local store. I have been using them for quite a while since the positioning of the arm makes some parts of the body a pain to paint. Lesson learned from the Dark Vengeance set.

And yes. I finally decided on the base colour for my minis. I decided just to go back to basics since I got tired trying to look for the right shade of grey. I used Steel Legion Drab for this.

While I still do find this a little plain, it is better then nothing at all.

Next Step:
- Venerable Dreadnought detailing

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