Friday, October 11, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Terminators Part 9

Finally, my order of heads have arrived.
2 heads each for my future models.
I did not find it practical for any units to go into combat without any helmets for both protection and combat. Anyhow, I will be using this primarily for my Space Hulk unit should the models on the card be going about without one (two of the mission expansion units, Brother Metraen and Brother Kaphael uses the open mouth model)

Hence now Sergeant Gideon is complete, although I originally intended the head to face towards the shield, I did not take in account the extra parts as I assumed that they would be a fit in the first place.

Next Step:
- More genestealers
- Brother Kaphael and Brother Metraen from the Terminator squad (which makes a total of 3 boxes)
- Chaplain with Terminator Armour (Chaplain Raziel)
- DeathWing Command Squad/Terminator Squad for the DeathWing Expansion


Legionwing said...

Sergeant Gideon looks a lot like Bane...

DWolve said...

Probably Scorpion and Sub Zero too. It's just a rebreather mask based on the card model.