Thursday, October 24, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Dark Vengeance Part 2

I finally completed the terminators last night after two nights working on it.

These two were the first to be "mostly completed" as there were few paints needed that is missing in my list.
The bases are left unpainted as I have decided to base them with probably either a rocky or sandy terrain. I have yet to fully decide. I will also need to check out on the techniques and materials best used to base them. There's plenty of video tutorial available which I have been watching. Which by the way, I made a mistake of gluing these two units to the base. I'll think of something to work around it.

The next three units in the Deathwing Squad was painted right after finishing the above 2.
I sorta got the right style of the sergeant's power sword after viewing the tutorial from Their method was using airbrush. I did mine using drybrushing/stippling using the blues from bright to dark. The white line in the middle needs more improvement.

Only after taking the first photo above when I realized that the tones on my termies were not the same between the earlier two and the rest. Seems that I did not drybrush enough on the remaining three.
Note to self: Patience and a lot of mid painting check is required if you are not painting everything at once.

Next Step:
- Dark Angels Tactical Squad

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