W40K Sprue List

Looking that there are plenty of parts available in various kits available in the market, I decided to start a page cataloging the parts and bits available found on the kits I purchased for record and reference. This should include a statistic on the the number of specific weapon and part bits available in the sprue itself.

For this tab, I will primarily be focusing on W40K which is currently primary purchase. I will be adding further kits for miniatures (Robotech Tactics will probably be next)

Click on the name below to jump to the corresponding breakdown

* some key abbreviations I will be using here.
s# - sprue number from the top
wh - without helmet
la - left arm
ra - right arm
lh - left hand grip only
rh - right hand grip only
wh - without hands

Dark Angels
- Company Veteran (Chapter upgrade frame)
Space Marines
- Tactical Squad
- Commander
- Vanguard Veteran Squad
- Command Squad

Dark Angels Company Veteran

Main body
- 5 rear torso and robed legs (s1)
- 5 robed chest pieces (s1)
- 1 tactical chest piece (s3)
- 13 shoulder pads (s1, 1 s3)
- 4 robed heads (1 wh) (s2)
- 3 helmet heads (s2, 1 s3)
- 2 exposed heads (s2, 1 s3)
- 1 terminator leg (s1)
- 1 terminator shoulder pad (s1)
- 6 tactical backpack (s2, 1 s1)

- 1 combat shield (lh) (s1)
- 1 terminator storm shield (s1)
- 1 power fist (la) (s2)
- 5 boltgun (ra) (s2)
- 5 free left arm for holding weapon of choice (s2)
- 1 power mace (la) (s2)
- 1 power sword (ra) (s2)
- 1 missile launcher (ra) (s3)
- 2 chainsword (1 la, 1 ra) (s3)
- 2 bolt pistol (1 la, 1 ra) (s3)
- 2 plasma pistol (1 la, 1 ra) (s3)
- *1 plasma rifle (wh) (s3)
- *1 boltgun (wh) (s3)
- *1 meltagun (wh) (s3)
- *1 flamer (wh) (s3)
- 1 terminator storm bolter with blade (ra) (s2)
- 1 terminator assault cannon (ra) (s2)
- 1 terminator power sword (la) (s2)

- 3 banners (s2, 1 s3)
- various iconography

* Despite being indicated in the manual, the free arms to hold these weapons are not available in this box.
* While the manual promises the construction of the apothecary, the required parts are not available in this kit. Just got myself another kit with updated reference sheet. The standard bearer and apothecary is no longer in it.
* In my opinion, this kit is a rush kit since the first two sprue are available separately as the Dark Angels Upgrade Frame from Games-Workshop itself. The third sprue is probably taken from the Space Marine Command Squad kit. (Nope, third sprue is not in the command squad)

Space Marine Tactical Squad

Main body
- 10 rear torso (s1)
- 10 space marine legs (s2)
- 18 tactical chest piece (s1)
- 3 assault chest piece (s1)
- 22 shoulder pads (s2)
- 14 helmet heads (s1)
- 2 exposed heads (s1)
- 10 tactical backpack (s1)
- 1 missile backpack (s2)

- 1 missile launcher (ra) (s2)
- 10 boltgun (rh) (s3)
- 1 gravgun (rh) (s3)
- 1 plasma rifle (rh) (s3)
- 1 meltagun (rh) (s3)
- 1 flamer (rh) (s3)
- 1 grav pistol (rh) (s3)
- 1 plasma pistol (rh) (s3)
- 1 bolt pistol (rh) (s3)
- 1 combi gun with option for flamer/plasma/melta/grav (rh) (s3)
- 1 power fist (la) (s3)
- 1 knife (lh) (s3)
- 2 knives (wh) s3
- 1 chainsword (lh) (s1)
- 1 power sword (lh) (s1)
- 10 free left arm for holding weapon of choice (s3)
- 4 left arm without hand (s3)
- 12 right arm without hand (s3)
- 1 auspex (lh) s3

- 1 banner (s2)
- 10 pair of grenades (frag/krak) (s1)
- 1 melta bomb (s2)
- 10 purity seals (s1)
- various accessories
Space Marine Commander

Main body
- 1 space marine legs
- 1 rear torso with cloak
- 1 chest piece
- 1 elaborated backpack
- 3 heads (1 helmet, 2 exposed)
- 6 shoulder pads

- 1 chainsword (la)
- 1 power sword (la)
- 1 storm bolter (rh)
- 1 plasma pistol (rh)
- 1 combi-plasma (rh)
- 1 combi-melta (rh)
- 1 bolt pistol (rh)
- 1 power fist (lh)
- 1 lightning claw (lh)

- 1 banner
- 1 holstered pistol
- various iconography

Space Marine Vanguard Veteran Squad

Main Body

- 5 chest piece
- 5 assault rear torso
- 5 jump packs
- 5 posed space marine legs

Space Marine Command Squad

Main Body

- 5 tactical chest piece
- 1 apothecary chest piece
- 1 command chest piece
- 5 rear torso
- 5 space marine legs
- 1 kneeling space marine legs
- 4 backpack
- 1 apothecary backpack

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