Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Gundam: UMF-4A GOOhN Part 2

Finally completed the unit last night.

Overall, I am happy with the result although the panel lines could have been a much better job.

Earlier, I attempted to wash the entire unit with Nuln Oil. Probably ended up overwashing the whole unit which resulted in a repair work over the well done basecoat.

Lesson the be learned, full model washing is great for miniatures, or items with a lot of details and edges. Not so much with plenty of smooth surfaces.

Final result from the front.
The wash brings out the details of the arm very well due to the deep grooves

Close up of the model. Some of the initial paint smoothness was lost after the repaint. The wash did not sit well in the grooves in this area.
Same goes for the back. Black portion of the vent is painted.

Now looking forward to a construct a new mech which a friend got for my "birthday" XD

While that is in the future work, I will be finishing up on some Necron HQ units which I had some time.

Trazyn the Infinite - Had this for Christmas last year and is a pending job since then.

Illuminor Szeras -  Just picked this up when it popped up in the early March restock at Wira Games. Since no one else picked it up, it is then mine!

And yeah. The test warrior which I ebayed some time ago. Almost a pain to fix and pose. Too bad as this will be my army of choice for the next Iron Painter. They will most likely follow this scheme and a little more detail on the chest insignia. Finished him a long time ago and never got to take a photo of it.


FourEyedMonster said...

That gundam robot kinda reminds me of a Battlestar Galactica Cylon. ^_^

DWolve said...

It probably is during character design XD