Friday, August 19, 2016

Warhammer 40K: Venerable Dreadnought Rakaziel

A documentation on Venerable Dreadnought Rakaziel's progress over x days. Got this since I was getting a little depressed and need some focus. The work is done over several nights with an estimate amount of 1-3 hours spent.

Forgot to take pictures for night 1 since the idea for the current post only came about on night 2. Basically by night 1, only assembly, priming and basecoating the model with Zandri Dust and Leadbelcher. with the base covered in Dark Reaper. Assembly took about 2 hours, including pinning the torso. Priming and basecoating took about another 2 hours.

Night 2 - 2 hours
Night 3 - 1 hour
Night 4 - 3 hours. Completed model

Venerable Dreadnought Rakaziel from Codex Dark Angels - copyright Games Workshop
Check one off the to do list! Just a small mistake on the left arm weapon loadout, but it is sort of hidden from the original anyway.

Also as an added extra.
Only using 2 colours, Balthasar->Gehenna->Auric Armour Gold and Kantor Blue.
And no, I don't intend to start on AOS, not at least until I have my chapter complete (or at least 50%) and I will probably be getting Death faction instead.


FourEyedMonster said...

Nice! Real nice! Great work on the Dreadnought. I still have my sole Dreadnought from my first ever W40K starter set i.e. Assault on Black Reach ... and yes, it's still unpainted. LOL :)

DWolve said...

Let me know if you are planning to sell XD

FourEyedMonster said...

LoL ... sadly it has been primed white ... yes I know, dumb of me right ... I did it way back when I was starting out and didn't really know better. ^_^ The Limited Edition Dark Vengeance set is still up for sale (just no time to work on it) if you are ever interested and I guess I'm slowly coming round to letting some of my - likely never to have the time to paint stuff - Ork and Chaos figures. Getting there one I leave the denial stage ... :)

DWolve said...

Definitely, once I recovered my finances XD Probably next year after CNY. And I'm definitely still interested in the dreadnought (AOBR set for that matter).