Sunday, September 15, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Terminators Part 5

I'm so in trouble now XD
I do not have self control. Yes, I confess. When there is absolutely a lot of things to do, I end up finishing the units. But then again, trying to leave the last two units alone is like trying not to solve the last piece of puzzle.

Brother Zael and Brother Leon was completed today despite my 2 per week rule. I certainly need to find new hobbies.

Anyhow, both units were fairly simple to work on as the painting process for both unit are established from previous works. All that is left is to find ways to make them look even better.
Brother Zael was painted in the same process as Brother Adron. Nothing new in the scheme of the unit except for the heavy flamer which was using the black-silver scheme instead of the usual red-silver scheme.
Black parts were purely Abbadon Black with Stormvermin Fur edging. The metal parts were the usual Leadbelcher basecoat, followed by Nuln Oil Wash and some Runefang Steel layering.

Brother Leon was also painted exactly the same way as Brother Zael. His assault cannon bears the same scheme as Brother Zael's heavy flamer.  A different colour scheme for the heavy weapons makes the equipments look much more badass.

Next Step:
- Get more terminators

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Terminators Part 4

Completed 2 more units: Lexicanium Calistarius and Brother Adron.

Got myself a few new pots to try add new flavour into the paint job. Brother Adron was painted somewhat similar to Brother Valencio. Some changes were made based on another website ( I did the following:
1. Basecoat with Mephiston Red.
2. Wash with Carroburg Crimson.
3. Layer with Evil Sunz Scarlet.
4. Wash with Carroburg Crimson. (Yes, earlier wash was redundant. I am still testing the paint job.)
5. Edge with Wild Rider Red.
6. Light glazing with Bloodletter.

Some of the improvements done over the previous models (which were also added to the existing job)
1. Gold were added with another layer of Gehenna Gold.
2. Silver parts that are exposed to lighting are layered with Runefang Steel.
These were done to add more shine to the units, which were a little dull in my opinion (overwashing perhaps?).

Lexicanium Calistarius was a tough job as this was very detailed. Attempts to create somewhat similar to the design on the box was near impossible as I really have the steady hands needed for the job. Nevertheless, it was fun to work with.

The unit was painted with the following steps:
1. Basecoat with Macragge Blue.
2. Layer with some Kantor Blue on darker areas.
3. Wash with Carroburg Crimson.
4. Layer again with Macragge Blue.

The face was done in a somewhat similar method as Sergeant Lorenzo. This was tricky as the head was already in a fixed position in the mini. The cloth was a quick slap of Ushbati Bone, followed by Agrax Earthshade wash and layered again with Ushbati Bone. The back of the cloth was a simple Mephiston Red layer followed by Carroburg Crimson wash. Metal and gold parts are using the same method as previously done with Brother Adron.

Some key lessons were learned while working on this.
1. Research other works so that you know what part is what (love making this mistake). Also, research helps to identify the defects that exist in the mini. I did not notice the broken shoulder piece until started going through in detail after the main body.
2. Go through the whole paint procedure in your head before you glue the parts together. Several sprue parts were found not removed since I did not quite know what is what. Live and learn.

3. Some parts are probably best painted before glueing. Hence, I probably need to get myself a drill for future projects this intricate (and for the gun barrel. Painting the holes just does not sit right with me).
4. If you cannot imitate, go wild and personalise it.

Left knee insignia lost due to over layering
Yup. Forgot the purity seal there
Studs on the armour was too small for my hands to work with, even when using fine detail brush. I used a toothpick dipped in Runefang Steel to do the trick.

One thing I would like to know is how to strengthen the staff as the material is too soft. Broke part of the banner mast while trying to straighten it. A layer of super glue the whole staff?

Next Step:
- My favourite heavy weapons: Brother Zael and Brother Leon
- Budget for another box of Terminator Squad and  Terminator Assault Squad

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Terminators Part 3

Sergeant Lorenzo
Completed Sergeant Lorenzo despite my last post mentioning the 2 minis per week rule. It was raining and everyone else in the family decided to siesta. I was not really in the mood to see Morpheus.
Most of the parts were the same as Brother Valencio. The power sword was initially basecoated with Leadbelcher then drybrushed with Macragge Blue and Calgar Blue. I later added a glaze of Guilliman Blue since the glow effect did not really work out.

The face was basecoated with Ratskin Flesh followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade. It is then layered with Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh. Finally, I did a light Seraphim Sepia wash to bring out the emphasis on the face.

Next Step:
- Lexicanium Calistarius

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Terminators and Broodlord Part 2

For this set, I am establishing a few rules for myself to make sure I do a proper job.

1. No overnight marathons.
2. Limit to 2 per week.

I decided to work on the Broodlord first as I already have the paint scheme based on the earlier work on the Genestealers. The first Terminator I decided to work on was Brother Valencio.
After basecoat and wash

For the Broodlord, I have developed the following steps to avoid plenty of rewashing which I did earlier while painting.
1. Basecoat with Xereus Purple followed by an Carroburg Crimson wash on the entire unit.
2. Layer claws and face with Genestealer Purple. Also layer the exposed skin on the arms and legs.
3. Layer carapace and outer skin with Macragge Blue.
4. Wash the entire unit again with Carroburg Crimson
5. Drybrush the carapace and skin with Macragge Blue.
6. Drybrush the carapace with Calgar Blue (need to get a much lighter blue to add another layer)
7. Layer selectively the claws and face with Genestealer Purple.
8. Layer the scything talons with Ushbati Bone.
9. Layer the claws and detail the teeth with White Scar (finally got myself a bottle!)
10. Wash the scything talons and edges of the claws with Agrax Earthshade.
11. Layer the tongue with Mephiston Red.
12. Base is layered with Mournfang Brown.
13. Eyes are done with Wild Rider Red.

Broody needs a hug!

For Brother Valencio, there were some trial and errors especially for the edge highlighting. Pardon the quality as this is my first attempt to highlight edge the proper.

1. Basecoat with Mephiston Red. Preferably with an air brush. I did mine by brush which takes longer to get the layers even..
2. Wash the entire unit with Agrax Earthshade. Emphasis given on the head and corners.
3. Layer with Mephiston Red or Wasdakka Red (no difference between both in my opinion.
4. Edge with Wild Rider Red.
5. Gold parts are layered with Balthasar Gold. If for any reason the pot is watery, get a toothpick and stir it up!
6. Wash the gold parts gently with Nuln Oil. I did mine by layering the entire piece with Nuln Oil, followed by drybrushing and washing again. The drybrush was too wet.
7. Silver parts are layered with Leadbelcher. Then again, washed lightly with Nuln Oil.
8. Banner and seals were layered with Ushbati Bone and washed with Agrax Earthshade.
9. Blue piece was layered with Calgar Blue.
10. Base is painted with Jokaero Orange

All that is left for this unit is the eyes. I am planning to layer it with florescent based green. Will be getting that sometime this week.

Next Step:
- The eyes
- Sergeant Lorenzo

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Terminators and Broodlord Part 1

"WE BRING DEATH!" - Deathwing Squad, Sin of Damnation. Space Hulk.

If I were to play W40K my way, I will be loading my squad with nothing but Terminators! Nothing beats these hulking units since the first time I played Space Hulk on my 486 many years back. These armoured hulks will always have a special place in my arsenal no matter what else comes up. Yes, the new centurion units are deadly. I would still make space for these commandos.

I got myself the Terminator Assault Squad together with a Librarian in Terminator armour Finecast and a Broodlord Finecast. Hopefully, these should last me the rest of the month.

I could not wait to get them assembled. It took me the whole night to assemble them up. Interestingly,this was a new experience for me compared to previous units as:
1. They are using much larger base
2. They have no base slots. Hence total freedom in positioning them
3. First time working with Finecast models

Assembly of the Terminators were not a problem with Tamiya's cement. Finecast, however, require the use of superglue and it works differently compared to plastic models. There were several suggestions in drilling the base to secure the unit on the base on the web, but I decided against it as I decide to keep things simple for now since I have no plans to pimp the base at the moment. The importance of pining the base became evident when trying to glue the Broodlord to the base as the Broodlord have a very small surface area for the glue to take hold if compared to the librarian. Plus, you need to ensure the contact surface are smooth before glueing it. It took me a while and several "accidents" before it finally sets in the way I wanted it.

Surprisingly, there is not much posing option on the Finecast models if compared to the plastic ones. The parts are grooved to join specifically at a specific angle. The texture of the model itself is also surprisingly soft if compared against the plastic ones. I suppose this would make it easier for modders to do their work. Some other time perhaps.

Anyway, they are now primed and are ready for the next step to come.

Introducing the first crew:

Sergeant Lorenzo wields a power sword and a storm bolter. I used the banner top in replacement to the wing crest from the original image. He also have 2 scroll canisters (just found out what they are XD) attached to his armour. Note to self: research on the bits before using them.

His head is currently not glued on to the body as I intend to paint it separately.
Brother Zael carries a heavy flamer and a power fist. Should have angled more to showcase the flamer.

Brother Valencio carries a storm bolter and a chain fist. Again, another unit with the banner crest at the back.

Brother Leon wields the assault cannon and power fist.

Brother Adron carries the Cyclone Missile Launcher on his back and wields a storm bolter and power fist.
Lexicanium Calistarius carries the force staff and storm bolter. I believe the staff is suppose to be an axe, based on the image on the card.
Broodlord with rending claws and scything talons. This should not be that difficult to work with based on my batch of genestealers. I will probably try something different with him. As you can see above, basing him was tough but I did it.

Next Step:
- Painting

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Feed test

Just got word my feed isn't working right.

Settings changed and now to see how it goes.

I'm not exactly sure how the feed here works, or the refresh period of the feeds.

Anyway, I've turned on feed burner and see how this works. Preferably, I'd rather work without the feed burner.

* Just took out feed burner and it is actually working fine. Not sure what's wrong with the reader.

* Looks like all's working fine now.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk Genestealers Part 3

With the painting style at hand, I went overnight finishing the rest of the genestealers. Probably should have taken it slow as painting details at 3 am is not a joke.

Same as before,  I layered the genestealers with Xereus Purple followed by a layer of Carroburg Crimson over the entire unit. The exposed part of the arms and legs are then painted with a layer of Genestealer Purple first (just over the required area) then layered the skin and carapace with Macragge Blue. The is then drybrushed with Calgar Blue (especially highlighting the spine and edge pieces). The rest of the exposed part is layered with Genestealer Purple. Claws are painted with Ceramaite White (I really need those White Scars) while the scything talons are painted with Ushbati Bone and washed with Agrax Earthshade. The wash does not appear in the photos as I washed them the next day.
The army from the front
The army from the top

Time to hit the sack!

Next Step:
- Terminator Squad
- More Genestealers
- Broodlord