Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Warhammer 40K Paint Set Part 2

Got myself this box when I picked up Jokaero Orange in my last run. Certainly a good box to get if you want to fiddle around with painting techniques. I do not really have any techniques to test in mind when I got this except to test out the effectiveness of the recently purchased Bosny White paint which I intend to use as a primer for my Robotech Tactics. The spray does give the units a slight shine after the paint job, for some reason. However, it seems that the paint may be a little too thick. Some minor details seems missing if compared to the older models.

The other method I tested was painting yellow by layering Lamenters Yellow over white surface. This certainly gives an interesting result as seen in Blue team with the grey base below. I ended up using this method, followed by a Nuln Oil wash, to paint all the emblems including the purity seals.
Shoulder pads were lined with Abbadon Black

Next Step:
- Faction insignia of the new units. Not sure if I can try stenciling it.


FourEyedMonster said...

Stenciling is an option but you could try some freehand too. I am trying to get as much freehand practice as I can myself and I find that it gets easier the more I practise.

DWolve said...

Thanks! Will keep that in mind.