Thursday, February 16, 2017

Misc: Photo Updates

I managed to borrow my sister's digital camera for the day since I needed to use one for a job. Took the opportunity to snap some of the long overdue shots.

HQ units
Interrogator-Chaplain Dakarus
Chaplain Azazel
Terminator Interrogator-Chaplain Ephrek
Lexicanium Aspholon
Ravenwing Company
My 1st and only Attack Bike, for now
New set of Dark Vengeance Bikes 
Extra Sergeant on the left. The rest are 1st Squad

5th Company Dreadnought Azmodor
Azmodor, as per codex
With Azmodor, comes the twin-linked autocannon Mortis prototype
Finally complete
Did not see the gap after earlier completion. A little more drilling should do the trick
Mortis Side View
I only noticed how massive the arms I made after taking this shot. At least something for a prototype. Need to reduce the measurement by probably 10 percent.

Necron Thokt Dynasty Doom Scythe
Side View
Top View
Pilot close up
Farsight Enclave Razorshark
Side View
Top View

Descent 2
Cave Spiders
Close up on barghest prime. Love the blood effect
View from the other side
Also for the heck of it since I got the mini from White Dwarf

Coming up next in the painting line
Descent 2's Zombies, Goblin Archers and Flesh Moulders
Final member of the 1st Ravenwing bike Squad (chainsword) and 2 members of the 2nd Squad
Also in the center, Zameon Gydrael from Deathwatch Overkill. Got to have him for a company champion.

And before I forget, further addition to my Deathwing Terminators which now puts my completion rate at 18.5% from 12.5%. Most of them were the models from Death Angels which I recently stripped and repainted. Thanks to the Ravenwing Bike Squad decals that comes with it. Too bad that they are the only official source.

Also to note that some changes were made here which helps accelerate the paint job during the last few weeks. Since the youngest has gotten too old for the changing table, I repurposed it for my use as my new painting station. No more set up and clean up!

Set up next to the dinner table which I used previously to paint, this has helped speed things up. I can just drop over anytime when I am free and just do a few quick work. The drawer contains most of the unpainted models and also the rest of my bits. All in a single station.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Descent 2: Barghest and Cave Spiders

Since my LARP is currently on hiatus, we have thoughts of having a monthly/bi-monthly meet up to probably plan something up. Next gathering plan is tentatively in March in which me and another decided that we should probably meet and have a game of Descent which I got a few years back from my BGG Secred Santa. Since the game has minis which I left hanging for some time, I decided it's time go get them started.

Barghest and Cave Spiders

Starting with the mobs, I had a barghest and a spider as a sampler when I started to work on them a few years ago. Got them done yesterday with a very simple scheme of coating with Mournfang Brown and drybryshing with Ulthuan Grey. Blood effects on the barghest was done using Blood for the Blood God which I liked the effect that the paint offers.