Monday, February 13, 2017

Descent 2: Barghest and Cave Spiders

Since my LARP is currently on hiatus, we have thoughts of having a monthly/bi-monthly meet up to probably plan something up. Next gathering plan is tentatively in March in which me and another decided that we should probably meet and have a game of Descent which I got a few years back from my BGG Secred Santa. Since the game has minis which I left hanging for some time, I decided it's time go get them started.

Barghest and Cave Spiders

Starting with the mobs, I had a barghest and a spider as a sampler when I started to work on them a few years ago. Got them done yesterday with a very simple scheme of coating with Mournfang Brown and drybryshing with Ulthuan Grey. Blood effects on the barghest was done using Blood for the Blood God which I liked the effect that the paint offers.


FourEyedMonster said...

Simple and nice. Hopefully, I will find the time to get to my own boardgame minis one day.

DWolve said...

When there's a plan to get a gathering with this on the table, it gets urgent to paint them up XD