Thursday, October 06, 2016

Warhammer 40K: Minor works so far

Unfortunately for this post, I will not have any photos as my camera just malfunctioned (lens does not retract during shutdown). I tried using my iPad's camera to which the quality was no to my satisfaction.

Just a note on what is "completed" over the last few days:
- Chaplain Azazel
- Interrogator-Chaplain Dakarus
- Terminator Interrogator-Chaplain Ephrek
- Lexicanium Aspholon * probably need just a little more touch up.

Also complete are the Aegis Defence Line which I purchased for the quad guns that I am kit-bashing into a pair of dreadnought twin-linked autocannons. Work still in progress.


FourEyedMonster said...

That's a bummer! :(
I agree ... the iPad's photo quality leaves a lot to be desired. The new iPhone ones are awesome though. I took a few using my wife's office phone and the photos looked great. Way better than the crappy ones Samsung phones take.

DWolve said...

Hopefully I could squeeze something in my next paycheck for a simple camera.