Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Warhammer 40: Status Updates

Just some status updates since the last DA post way back in February.

Dark Angels Chapter
From left: Interrogator-Chaplain Ephrek, Lexicanium Aspholon, Chaplain Azazel, Interrogator-Chaplain Dakarus
Finally got to prime and do the initial works for the 3 chaplains and 1 librarian from the codex. Hopefully, they should be ready by mid-June.

Stripping Works
Finally the units are done. Just some minor details left and assigning them to the corresponding squads.

Space Hulk Blood Angels
The job so far
Basing in progress
Basing result, top view
Did some basing work. although not exactly the result I wanted. The white stuff used above was spackle which I got from nearby ACE Hardware. The base is designed as such that the models can be removed for use with the Space Hulk board game (since the base is larger that the squares itself) while the base itself will be colour coded to match the cards for Space Hulk Death Angel Card game.


FourEyedMonster said...

That's a lot of minis. A lot. You've been productive. Well done sir! Well done. :)

DWolve said...

Have to do as much as possible with what little time I have.

Mostly the simpler stuff like basecoating or working with only 1 colour.