Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Misc: 2018 Looking back

Just a quick review on the events for 2018

Joined 2 painting competitions
- Frontline Games Squad painting competition (May)
Deathwatch Overkill

- Two Thin Coats Malaysia Annual 2018 (September)

Finally joined the Wira Iron Painter (November) after several years if planning

Took a class on sculpting
5th Company 14th Squad Sergeant
Celebrate the Warhammer Opening/Anniversaries
L to R: Summerton, Austin Heights, Velocity, Publika
Actually managed to go to all 4 outlets within a span of 1 month. 4 models painted to represent each outlet with the scheme based on the state flags.

Also completed a total of 3 projects, thanks to the competitions
- Warhammer Shadespire: Sepulchral Guards
- Deathwatch Overkill: Kill Team Cassius
- Forgebane: Adeptus Mechanicus

My 5th company Dark Angels also went up from 30% to 70%+, thanks to Wira.

Shows that events do help you get things done.

So, what is next for 2019? Hopefully the following
- Complete 100% Dark Angels 5th Company
- Complete the existing Tyranid models (2 Warrior and 1 Carnifex remaining)
- Complete the basecoated Plague Marines fully painted
- Complete Necromunda Models
- Hopefully acquire Blackstone Fortress and the Kill Team Starter set