Recently, I took part in
Frontline Games's Classroom Painting Competition. The requirement was squad based units, which I decided to use this opportunity to get my Deathwatch Overkill minis painted (at least one faction). Totally forgot about my Primaris Marines which I from the starter kits which I picked up, which I would have submitted instead.
Kill Team Cassius |
Ortan Cassius, Ultramarines Chaplain |
Jensus Natorian, Blood Ravens Codicer Librarian |
Zameon Gydrael, Dark Angels Company Champion |
Drenn Redblade, Space Wolves Blood Claw |
Rodricus Grytt, Imperial Fists Devastator |
Vael Donatus, Ultramarines Sternguard Veteran |
Ennox Sorrlock, Iron Hands Sternguard Veteran |
Antor Delassio, Flesh Tearer Assault Marine Sergeant |
Edryc Setorax, Raven Guard Vanguard Veteran |
Garran Branatar, Salamander Terminator |
Jetek Suberei, White Scars Biker Sergeant |
Painting blacks was no joke as you need to put in more emphasis in edge highlighting the models, or they will look dull. Most of the colours chosen were based on the images from the Games Workshop website and the Deathwatch Painting Guide.
Sadly Jetek Suberei was a casualty as the antenna broke during transportation back from the competition. I did a temporary fix for the photo using some white tack which did a good enough job to hold it for the photo. Still looking for ways to get it fixed permanently.