Friday, July 15, 2016

Warhammer 40K: Space Hulk - Genestealers

Been going full steam over the evenings lately with my tyranids.

Completed the Space Hulk genestealers recently. All 22 genestealers and broodlord.

The swarm ready

The broodlord

The broodlord was actually completed a few days ago right after Raya. Added some additional touch up on the termie helmets on his hand and in the pile, which shows below as the helmets are a little darker.

Added extra base to match with the terminators for the Death Angels Card game.

Spawn of Cryptus

Added the Spawn of Cryptus model to my Tyranid army as per previous post with Old One Eye. Decided the broodlord will have a simple sand base with some splotches of purple goo. Later models may have more elaborated bases as I get used to using Spackle for sculpting bases.

Termagants done!
Close up on 1
Also completed were the 4 spare termagants which I set aside for some time for a test to see how the rest of the hive would look like. Carapace and chitin is good so far. The only ones looking odd is the weapons. I will be using the left over parts from the carnifex as a test to see how the current scheme of fleshtone (as per Invasion Swarms: Tyranid Painting Guide) suggested for the Nephilim King Hive.