Thursday, February 18, 2016

Warhamer 40K - Stripping Death Angels

Over the Chinese New Year, I decided to reassign my existing Death Angel units to my first company since I already have the actual Space Hulk models for play. The stripping work was done using plenty of left over Dettol from the last job.

Models before the stripping
After Stripping
Stripping Finecast
The models were left in Dettol for 4 hours while I did some repainting in my living room. No overnight soaking this time as I had the whole house to myself during my pre Chinese New Year leave. Plus, the missus was sensitive about the Dettol odor the last time I soaked for 2 days. Gave the models a simple scrub with my old toothbrush and have gloves on this time. Most of the paint came off after a the soak and scrub except for the librarian which was a finecast.

Lesson learned: no finecast stripping.

Once dried, I primed them with my Bossny Blackboard black (one last can remaining)
Some reds can still be seen under right lighting (as shown below) to which should be fixed with the Zandri Dust basecoat.
Quick Priming

Librarian after repriming

Most of the basecoat layers were completed during the Holidays in Penang when things are quiet. Hopefully, they should be completed within the next two months and ready to be assigned as part of Deathwing Company.
After basecoats. Bone armour washed and drybrushed with Ushabti Bone

I also took the chance to finally do some work on the Space Hulk Minis. Like the Deathwings above, I basecoat, wash and drybrushed the main body (reds in this case) and gave ta basecoat layer on the rest as seen below (basically the cloth, seals, chains, metals  and weapons)

Genestealers were also not forgotten. Four of them were my test subject on the paint scheme as seen in White Dwarf issue 33 which showcased Space Hulk. The carapace were the focus in this work.

Looking forward to clear up these models by May.